Tuesday, June 5, 2007

TRARC June 2007 Meeting

As promised, here is my report from the Tar River Amateur Radio Club meeting on June 4, 2007. The primary subject was Field Day.

There were about ten members present with a new prospective ham, Mike, visiting for the first time. Welcome aboard Mike! (My apologies for not mentioning Mike's last name, it was one of those long names with lots of consonants)

It seems things are pretty much set. There wasn't much comment from the group, even when asked for contribution on things less settled, such as the Saturday afternoon meal. The consensus, from the leadership core (again), was to just make a run to Bojangles for a tailgate special. That's OK with me.

Fred Winner. KE4LXW, said he has prior obligations and will be unable to attend. This puts a wrinkle in getting the Red Cross ERV (That's stands for Emergency Response Vehicle) to house station #2. This will have to be Worked out off line.

I have to co ordinate with Fred on getting the generators, that seems a little dicey. We are rolling on. I was disappointed not to see Daniel, KI4QXS, at the meeting. Wanted to talk about his recent experience with HF. Hopefully he will be able to make FD.

That's it for this report. Its my story and I'm sticking to it! 73


Anonymous said...

I wanted to be there but they made me work. 73,

Anonymous said...

Well, there will always be a slot available with the NR3X gang. FD 2008 is only 383 days away.....
