Local FM commercial radio station WZAX (Zax '99.3) morning drive guy is "DP in the Morning" Dave Perkins. One of his features just after the morning prime time drive is "RBC Centura Spotlight on the Community" Each weekday at 8 a.m. he brings in a guest until about 9 a.m. All kinds of subjects are discussed of local interest in between the news, contests, commercials, music, etc. I'd say there probably is about 20 minutes of actual conversation that takes place during that hour.
Dave has invited the Tar River Amateur Radio Club to come and discuss Field Day on his show this coming Friday morning, June 22. What a treat! I was selected to represent our group and will have Daniel Joyner, KI4QXS, join me. Need to figure a way to "roll tape" and get a recording of this. Ray, WA4WGA, usually does this but he is away in Ohio right now on family business. I'll ask Dave about that.
Here are some things I'm going to suggest to Dave (DP) to ask us:
- What and where is Field Day and its purpose?
- How many hams participate in Field Day and why?
- Why is ham radio "needed" when there are far more modern ways to communicate?
- What is the origin of the term "Ham"? Who are some famous hams?
- Can just anyone get a ham radio license? How do you get one?
- How far can one ham talk to another via amateur radio?
- Isn't ham radio out dated? What are the modern aspects of ham radio?
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